The Coach's Mandate

Pray as though nothing of eternal value is going to
happen in my athletes’ lives unless God does it.

Prepare each practice and game,
giving my utmost for His highest.

Seek not to be served by my athletes for personal gain,
but serve them as Christ served the church.

Be satisfied not with producing a winning record,
but with producing winning athletes.

Attend carefully to my private and public walk with God, knowing that the
athlete will never rise to a standard higher than that being lived by the coach.

Glorify Christ in my coaching,
trusting the Lord will then draw athletes to Himself.

Desire to have a growing hunger for God’s Word,
a transformed heart and daily obedience.

Depend solely upon God for transformation,
one athlete at a time.

Live out Christ’s word in a Christ-like manner,
on and off the field of competition.

Recognize that it is impossible to bring glory
to both myself and Christ at the same time.

Allow my coaching to produce the fruit of the Spirit,
thus producing athletes who are authentic followers of Christ.

Trust God to reveal to my athletes His chosen purposes,
regardless of whether the wins are clearly visible.

Coach with humble gratitude,
as one privileged to be God’s coach.

© Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Revised from “The Preacher’s Mandate.”
Permission from The Cornerstone Trust, Box 1905, Cave Creek, AZ 85327